20 Nov 2015

Android 6.0??? Muffin or Marshmallows or Milkshake???

The Android Operating System as one of the most phenomenal used to smartphones, diciptgakan operating system by Google this, these being the most operating system widely used on Smartphones worldwide. In the 7th launch of android as of September 23, 2008, which is on the android operating system name of the journey is always nuanced food and sort alphabetically as follows;
Version 1.0 – called Apple Pie/ Alpha
Version 1.1 – named Banana Bread (Beta)
Version 1.5 – named Cupcake 
Version 1.6 – named Donut
Version 2.0/2.1 – named Éclair
Version 2.2 – named Froyo (Frozen Yogurt)
Version 2.3 – named Gingerbread
Version 3.0 – named Honeycomb
Version 4.0 – named Ice Cream Sandwich
Version 4.1 – named Jelly Bean
Version 4.4 – named KitKat
Version 4.5 – named Lollipop
Version 6.0 – named Marshmallow

Google always do the renewing and developing its technology in its flagship operating system, namely Android, News that circulated recently that is will soon emerge as the next generation of Android is the successor to the success of Android version 5.0 Lollipop Android version IE 6.0. Google is indeed always give the name of the Operation System with the name food and always sort alphabetically, beginning with a Lollipo Android after L, then this time alphabetic prefix M which will be used. After beredanya three names that might be an option of google (Muffin or Marshmallows or Milkshakes) finally declared to google google version 6.0 using the name Marshmallow. Among the pre-eminent vitur from android version 6.0 as follows;

1. the ' Doze ' Mode
The advantages of Android is to have the first Marshmallow mode "Doze" is a technology that is able to minimize battery power consumption when the Android smarpthone are on condition of standby or sleep mode. The workings of this feature is not much different with battery saver feature owned smartphones Sony, Huawei and Samsung, that is by disabling filmed backgroud app. Proven highly effective Doze Mode to conserve battery power on the Android operating system to activate it, and the Marshmallow buddy simply do the settings on the settings menu.

2. USB support Type C
USB Type C may still foreign in your ears deteknokers. Yups this new type of connector, it is applied to the new Android smartphone device, a bit like OnePlus 2 and Lenovo Zuk Z1. Interestingly, the USB Type-C is already fully supported on the Android operating system, thus allowing the Marshmallow charging 5 times faster than regular type microUSB connector wear. In addition, the advantages of Android smartphones is Marshmallow can fill in the other at the same time, or can be said to have a function as a powerbank.

3. The Fingerprint Sensor
Although there have been many smartphone which equipped the fingerprint sensor, but Google has not taken the standardized support for fingerprint sensors on the system oprerasi Android. Consequently every smartphone that wear it has specifications and capabilities vary. However with the newer Android Marsmallow, hopefully all smartphone vendors that provide fingerprint scanner standards ready to optimize security on Android features Pay and data-data stored on an Hp Android Android-based Marshmallows.

4. Android Pay
This is the excess of the most seeded Marshmallow Android Google to compete against Apple, Android Pay features. Digital payment technologies that utilize the connection Near field communication (NFC), has been fully run smoothly on the Android operating system V 6.0, and ready to fight the third Apple Pay in advance at komersilkan Apple party. The good news, Android Pay ready to be launched in several Southeast Asian countries, and does not cover the possibility will immediately present in Indonesia in the near future.

5. App Permissions
Excess Marshmallows Android next is improved features "Permision" App that allows the user to set permissions Android smartphone an application by pressing the button "Allow" or "Deny". This feature will facilitate you in organizing the deteknokers application that runs on a background processor, so it needs Ram memory will be maintained.

6. Auto Backup Application
Android Marshmallows also brings the Auto Backup that allows the smartphone to store user data and settings from the application or game into Google Drive. That means, when you do the hard research or replace new smartphone, then the applications and games that you previously have will again be used complete with settings on your smartphone before, thus bypassing the sign-in to your Google account.

7. Google Now on Tap
For users of the Android smartphone is certainly no stranger to Google applications Now. Applications that are ready to provide a variety of information via voice commands, now you can activate by pressing the home button a few times, then automatically you can do voice commands to search for information.  
Posted by Mochamad Aksan Tudhonni

18 Nov 2015

3 Three - Call & SMS blocker for Android

- Call & SMS blocker for Android -

3 Three - Call & SMS blocker for Android

Trick and Tutorial Smartphone --- Ease of communication with android sometimes makes us easier, but sometimes it is very possible we will feel disturbed. Like when continuously get SMS content was very disturbing, in the form of terror, advertising, spam, or just SMS from people on a whim that we don't know. For you Android users, you are very lucky because there are quite a lot of applications that you can use. Of the many existing SMS blocking app, here this is the 3 best free applications that you can do to block SMS on Android.

1. Caller ID & Block Calls, Text
Maybe this is the application call & sms blocker that is in the most advanced Android today. Not only is blocking SMS and phone call from the number you enter, this application will also automatically block messages and phone calls from hundreds of millions of successful spam numbers collected in their database. Using this application you can easily free of telemarketing, spammers, or those of a crank that gets you bothered.

Features Caller ID & Block Calls, Text
  • Block sms, phone, and email sent from the number that you want
  • Block sms, phone, and email automatically based on 500 + million number spammers detected in their database
  • Can be set to block sms/call from private number (hidden number)
  • There is an option to enter a password if you want to block sms/call
  • The database is a constantly updated spam number

 2. Clean Inbox – SMS Blocker
In appearance she wasn't as pretty as the Caller ID applications Call the above Text Block &, but he is no less sophisticated functions. Clean Inbox can block SMS automatically based on a specific word or number that you want. SMS block based on the feature/content of SMS is the favorite features in this application.

Features Clean Inbox – SMS Blocker
  • Block spam and sms automatically
  • Block sms based mobile numbers
  • Block sms based on the word or the contents of the sms
  • View a list of blocked sms and return it to Inbox if desired
  • Can export the contents of the sms to txt format
  • Easily configured in accordance with your
  • With integrated phonebook and sms inbox
  • In addition to the free version, you can upgrade to the pro version if you want to get additional new features like auto reply sms, block sms from unknown number, ad-free, etc.

3. Block SMS and Call
If the two previous application replaces the default App on Android Messaging, SMS and Call Block application is not. This application is just a place for you to set each option and enter any number you want to block. You can enter a number to the blacklist list with ease directly through Contact List or Call Log.

Features SMS and Call Block
  • Enter a list of blacklists can be directly from the Contact List or Call Log
  • Block sms or a phone call from a number that we want
  • Automatic blocking SMS or phone call from private/unknown number
  • Come call blocked history and sms blocked history to see who the phone and sms I already successfully blocked
  • Block sms or a phone call from a number that totaled less than x characters (x you can specify the settings from the options)
  • Block sms based on content or words.

That's the Call & SMS blocker for Android that I can share, if you want to try an application other than the application of the third, just for you to explore applications in playstore.
Posted by Mochamad Aksan Tudhonni

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